We offer instruction in the Yang Family Traditional forms (long, essential, senior, sword and saber) , in-person and online using Zoom, on the schedule below. Classes not marked “in-person” are held on Zoom.

Thanks to our teachers, students and donors for keeping us going through the pandemic!

DayTime (Seattle)ClassTeacherRegistration
Tues9:30amSenior Form

Started 10/01/24
DDregister here
6pmIN-PERSON CLASS Section 2 (Monkey)

Started 05/28/24
Email: info@yangtaichiseattle.com to join the class
6:30pmHF Practice & Meditation

Started 09/17/24
Kellyregister here
Wed 11amSection 1

Started 09/11/24
NancyMaltby Community Club (Snohomish). Email nancylu55@gmail.com for more info
2pmWarm ups & HF Practice
Mikeenter classroom
moving to 4pm in 2025
HF Practice

STARTS 10/2/24
JPregister here

STARTS 01/09/25
HF Refinement
Nancy/MikeMaltby Community Club (Snohomish) Email info@yangtaichiseattle.com for more info
5:00pmIN-PERSON CLASS Weapons Refinement
Nancy/MikeMaltby Community Club (Snohomish) Email info@yangtaichiseattle.com for more info
Push Hands
Nancy/MikeMaltby Community Club (Snohomish) Email info@yangtaichiseattle.com for more info
Fri11amHand Form Practice/Refinement

Started 09/06/24
Nancyregister here
3pmSection 2

Started 09/06/24
Ritaregister here
Sat3:30pmSaber Review

Started 05/04/24
Mikeregister here
4pmSword Form

Started 05/04/24
Mikeregister here
Sun 10:30am
Section 3
JPKDC - Kirkland. Email info@yangtaichiseattle.com for info
11:30am IN-PERSON
JPKDC - Kirkland. Email info@yangtaichiseattle.com for info

Started 12/04/24
JPKDC - Kirkland. Email info@yangtaichiseattle.com for info
2pmForms Practice (103, Essential & Senior)

Started 01/07/24
Ritaenter classroom (may need passcode 12345)
3pmTeacher Training
3rd Sunday Monthly
3:15pmTeacher Discussion Group
2nd Sunday Monthly

Section 1, 2, or 3 The Traditional Yang Style 103 Movement (Empty) Hand Form (aka “Long Form”, “85 Form”) is taught. This form is for all ages, beginners to advanced. Students can improve their strength, coordination, posture, concentration, and general level of energy. The Hand Form provides the basics necessary to practice push hands and weapons.

The complete Hand Form takes about 12 to 18 months to learn and a lifetime to perfect. For teaching purposes, the Hand Form is divided into three sections. After completing all three sections, students continue in our Hand Form Refinement classes.

Hand Form Refinement – Students practice the Yang Family Hand Forms (Traditional and Essential) and receive feedback on movements.

Essential Form – This form was created by Master Yang Jun and is taught to students after completion of the Traditional Hand Form.  It’s comprised of 22 movements and is the required hand form for those applying for Ranks 4-6.

Senior Form – This form was created by Master Yang Jun and is taught to students after completion of the Traditional Hand Form and is geared towards our senior community (eliminating many of the kicks).

Group Practice – We practice the Hand Form. The leader of the practice may help with any questions.

Sword Form – The Sword is double-edged short weapon. The sword form is based on the Hand Form but practiced faster. One should perform the sword form with the energy of a dragon. To learn the 67 movements takes about eight months.

Saber Form  -The saber is a single-edged short weapon. The saber form is based on the Hand Form but practiced faster than the sword form and with more energy. One should perform the saber form with the energy of a tiger. To learn the movements takes about four months.

Push Hands is practiced with a partner, focusing on the principles of sticking, yielding.  and rooting. Starting with making circles while staying connected to your partner, you learn how to use the 8 energies against an opponent and how to neutralize them when used against you. Learning to use the 8 energies will improve your Hand Form.

Qigong – We practice the Taiji Qigong Shibashi (18 forms).

**Students may join the Essential Form, Senior Form, Push Hands and/or Weapons classes with the permission of the instructor. Completion of the Traditional Hand Form is recommended.**

Private Lessons – Please contact nancy@yangfamilytaichi.com for info about private lessons.